Next Generation HR

New forms of digital technology are transforming the ways and means of business. Organizations are moving from traditional structures and process to matrix configurations and project-focused teams, thereby accelerating the pace at which work is done. This also increases the volume of work drastically. In this era of transforming technological advancement and heightened competition, companies cannot simply hire more skilled workers to keep up the increasing workloads.

As a result, there is a dire need to utilize intelligent automation in all possible business processes; significant among them is HR. Below are some of the major areas in HR impacting people and talent management that will benefit to a great extent with the use of digitization and automation.

Talent Acquisition

With Blockchain technology and AI chat-bots, ideal candidates can be identified by parsing hundreds of websites and HR can be relieved of the burden of vetting candidates based on the resume and social presence.

Employee wellness

Today’s young talent place greater value on work-life-balance and health benefits; Organizations now need to broaden their definition of benefits from merely providing health insurance to proactively creating a wellness promoted workplace.


Need of the hour is a digitized and automated onboarding process for a faster and smoother way to introduce employees to the organization’s core values. By automating onboarding, organizations are now eliminating the need for physical copies of all documents a new hire needs to submit, thus making it easier for the HR team as well as any other team involved in the onboarding. Reduced paperwork will cut down the time it takes to process these documents to a few hours. This will also ensure a smooth offboarding of employees who exit the organization.

Performance reviews

A profoundly manual performance appraisal process is prone to delays — from requesting an evaluation to reviewing the results. However, an automated performance appraisal process tightly integrated with a human capital management system can track employee performance on a regular basis and automatically trigger the appraisal process at the scheduled time. Regular updates will allow managers to identify gaps in performance and provide feedback, ultimately resulting in better employee engagement and satisfaction.


With employees spread across multiple locations, automated/digitized payroll system will save work and time for the HR team while ensuring adherence to regulatory obligations and data security.

Human Capital Management

Monitoring employee progress in real time allows the HR team to effectively match the right employees to the right tasks per their skill set. Moreover, a clear view of employee skills can also result in matching more relevant training programs to the employee skill set and help close the widening digital skills gap.

As organizations move toward enabling top-notch employee experiences, the role of HR executives will be transformed. The New Digital HR will be lot more strategically placed in the organization as compared to a traditional recruitment and administration HR.


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